This is grandma’s recipe for the softest and most delicious Easter Bread! Share it with your family and make your kids happy with colorful eggs.

We absolutely love Easter Bread. The taste and texture of it is actually very similar to Challah Bread only it uses milk instead of water as liquid for the dough. Plus, a proper Easter Bread obviously needs to function as an Easter egg nest, too, right? It’s downright adorable.
After a delicious Roast Lamb Shoulder, Easter Bread is what we used to eat for dessert later on in the day. With butter and a little homemade apricot jam and a big cup of freshly brewed coffee. Oh the memories…..We know you’re going to love this favorite Easter tradition!
Why Did My Easter Bread Not Rise?
- Your liquid is either too hot and killed the yeast.
- The liquid is too cold and the yeast isn’t activated.
- Room temperature is too low and it takes tripe the time.
- Room temperature is too hot and the yeast dies (if you put the dough on the radiator for example).
Your liquid, be it water or milk in this case, has to be at 102F (39C). Use a thermometer. I have a lot of experience feeling temperatures but with yeast I never risk it. I always use a thermometer.
How to Store Easter Bread
Easter Bread dries out pretty quickly so it’s best stored in a large ziplock bag or a big air-tight container and on the kitchen counter. If you plan on storing it for several days I recommend storing in the refrigerator. -
Can Easter Bread be Frozen?
Absolutely. You can freeze it as a whole (without the eggs) or individual pieces. I recommend cutting it up and freeze as individual slices as this way you can easily and quickly defrost the slices by putting them in your toaster.
If you like this recipe, you may be interested in these other delicious holiday recipes:
- How to Dye Easter Eggs
- Internet Famous Sweet Potato Pie
- Easy Orange Glazed Ham
- Old Fashioned Green Bean Casserole
I noticed the photo showed a yellow bread. I added 4 large eggs. The bread is good! I will change the 1/2 cup sugar to a full cup next time. I prefer a sweet, dense, yellow Easter bread. Thus recipe made 2 braided loaves. I used an egg wash instead of milk for a shiny crust.
Our family has been making Easter Brad for more than 80 years. Since I can no longer knead the dough by hand due to arthritis, i use the cough cycle on my bread machine. The recipe handed down through the generations is quite large and uses 16 cups of flour but out makes 6-7 small loaves with just one egg in the center. I give them to friends along with an Easter lamb mold cake that I make.
Sorry, my ArthurArthurarthritic fingers hit some wrong letters but you get the gist of the idea. Happy Easter to all.
Thanks a million
Thanks a million times
Can I used instant rapid yeast and do no proofing?
Yes you can!
Are the eggs edible after the bread is baked?
Yes, they are.
I can’t wait to try it. Yummy
Just can’t wait to make these yummy recipies/dishes
What if I donโt have a stand mixer?
You’ll have to knead the dough by hand.
Can I add grated lemon and orange peel and \or. Juice for a sweet and fruity flavor?
This is how our family makes it.
Worth a try!